Tara Gess Portrait

Tara Gess co-owns an International self-care and personal development business called Sound Alternative that specializes in energy healing. Sound Alternative offers services including Intuitive Life Coaching, Emotion & Body Code, Sound Healing, and Reiki. And in the last year, they began sharing Young Living Essential Oils to complement the practice. Tara is also a certified Florida Circuit Civil Mediator and is licensed to practice law in Tennessee. You can catch Tara and Sharon with their two new Corgi therapy puppies sharing essential oils on Saturday mornings at the Venice Farmer’s Market.

Recently, Tara was featured on the cover of North Venice Magazine and the local newspaper Discover Venice highlighting the new wellness business. Tara is passionate about educating people about the importance of balancing the body’s frequencies.

Sound Alternative offers practical applications focused on enabling people to heal from their past experiences, own who they are, and move forward with living a more joyful and balanced life.

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