Cathy Grippi is living proof that the application of Applied and Therapeutic Humor can help to heal the mind, body and soul!
At the age of 60, she found herself living in a new state, was physically un-well and a veteran of years of depression. She lacked motivation to make new friends and felt to be in a situation she was incapable to change.
The practice of Laughter Yoga provides her a great tool for resilience. Her physical and mental health has improved dramatically where the traditional resources she had been using failed.
Cathy has since chosen to focus her life on leading and teaching Laughter Yoga because of the profound benefits she has experienced since 2016 when she first discovered this fun, easy and effective aerobic exercise modality. She has expanded her knowledge in a variety of other complementary modalities that enhance her skills.
Since 2016, Cathy has become a certified Laughter Ambassador, Leader and Teacher with Laughter Yoga International. Cathy is also a Certified Laughter Leader with The World Laughter Tour. She also became a Certified Professional Pro EFT™ Coach as well as a Brain Gym Instructor. Cathy has earned the certification of CHP, Certified Humor Professional, as a member of AATH.org, (the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor).
Each week you can join Cathy as she leads Laughter in the Park on Saturday mornings and on Zoom each Wednesday morning. Cathy also provides Laughter Yoga sessions weekly at S&J Simply Fit in Venice, FL as well as at assisted living facilities, summer camps, libraries, conferences and other venues. She also certifies others to become Laughter Yoga Leaders.
Cathy welcomes the opportunity to show you how you can laugh for the health of it! You can find all the details about the classes she offers and opportunities for you to bring Laughter to your facility, event or program on this website: www.LaughterYogaVenice.com