I hope everyone has recovered from Hurricane Helene or at least did not have too much damage. I know our friends on barrier islands and on Manasota Key really sustained damage from the storm. If any of our members are in need of any assistance, please let me know. There is a wonderful non-profit organization called Samaritan Purse who helps families in dire need. I am enclosing the link in this message: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/article/pray-for-those-in-helenes-path/ They are already in the Asheville, NC area and as far south as Tampa.
Since the Plantation Golf and Country Club is hosting the LPGA during our meeting time on October 15th, we have changed our location for October to Chez 51 at 549 US-41 Bypass, Venice, FL in the Bird Bay Shopping Plaza. We will be given a private area, and we will be ordering from the Lounge Menu. Some of the choices are soups, salads, appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, shrimp tacos, and a vegan choice. Everyone will be responsible for their own check. Prices range from $12-$20.00.
We also will not have a speaker since we are finalizing all our sponsors, tickets sales, gift baskets, and duties for the Wine Tasting event on Friday, October 25th. If you have a gift basket, sold tickets, or have any gift cards, please bring these items to the dinner. We do not want to wait until the last minute to assemble the baskets. If you can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so I can give a fairly accurate count by Saturday, October 12th to the restaurant, that would be appreciated.
We will be back at the Plantation for our November meeting, which is on November 19, 2024.
Stay Safe and tell your family and friends you care.
Sue Hogrefe
Your President of BPWEV
BPWEV is a non profit organization committed to enriching the lives of women through opportunities for individual development and growth. Sponsorships by local businesses/organizations of the event is encouraged. It will bring visibility and recognition to the business supporting this event.
For more information, please contact Cyndi (941-228-6883) or Debbie (941-661-6848).
For those of us who never knew her, I’d like to take a moment to introduce the lady our scholarship awards are named after.
Christine Davis was a BPW member for over 50 years, first in New York State and later in Florida. Her energy to promote BPW was astounding. She served in every office the organization had to offer, short of State or National President. She served on many committees and especially enjoyed being chair of the scholarship committee until ill health required her to resign from too many obligations. Her beautiful smile, her eagerness to be always willing to help and her efficient handling of any task she elected to do or help with, will not be forgotten by the BPWEV members, but will be missed.
The Christine Davis Memorial Scholarships will preserve the love and devotion she championed to achieve equality for all women.
At the BPW Florida State Conference in June, 2023, the Proposed Public Policy was presented and approved. The new Public Policy for 2023 – 2024 is below:
Since the inception of BPW/FL in 1919, BPW/FL has always supported women’s rights. BPW/FL continues to support the ERA as a basic foundation of our Public Policy Platform, even as we understand that passing the ERA grows more difficult with the passage of time. BPW/FL firmly believes that equality of rights under the law should not be abridged or denied by the United States or by any state on account of sex, and the rights of women require constant vigilance.
BPW/FL supports public policies that:
BPW/Fl supports public policies that:
BPW/FL supports public policies that:
Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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