Don Musilli headshot

In 1985 Don Musilli formed Pure Air Systems, Inc. a company that makes high end HEPA based air filtration systems. Don sold that company in 2006 (it is now 39 years old) and moved to Englewood, Florida full-time in 2009. He continues to do some outside work for PAS which is now over 39 years old and one of only three companies in the world that manufacture this type of high - end filtration equipment.

He was one of the founding members of the now highly successful Englewood Farmer’s Market which was formed in 2011.The Englewood Farmers Market has become one of the largest Farmers Markets in Sarasota County and often draws up to 8,000 people every Thursday on Dearborn Street in Englewood.

In 2012 Don created the Englewood Incubation Center, a 501c3 company designed to bring hard technology development back to the greater Englewood area. EIC has since been responsible for bringing 3D Printing to over 50 schools and organizations in Sarasota and Charlotte counties. He also just completed their first Maker Faire that drew over 1,000 people.

EIC/Liteworld created 3D Mini Camps for kids 8 to 18 in 2013 and have been putting on these classes for over 11 years. In 2018 camps for adults were added.

In January of 2016, Don formed a for-profit company, LiteWorld LLC, that represents and sells 3D Printers from LulzBot, out of Colorado and Type A Machines out of California. LiteWorld also offers its own 3D Printer enclosure that was designed by Don and now shipped all over the U.S. LiteWorld also does prototyping, product design and development and limited production using 3D Modeling and 3D Printers.

Don was also a Private Pilot and Scuba Instructor in his previous life. He also likes to write when he has time and currently resides in Englewood, Florida.

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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