Sonja Jordan-MowerySonja Jordan-Mowery was born in Budapest, Hungary. Has a M.A. from the University of Chicago in rare books and manuscripts and an M.A. in Philosophy from Southern Methodist University.

She was Head of Special Collections and Conservation at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, and established the first conservation program for the University Libraries.

Sonja continues to write and lecture on matters relating to the conservation of rare books and manuscripts. She has conducted conservation assessments and training in South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa; taught courses in rare books and manuscripts, conservation and preservation at several institutions in Chicago and Baltimore, and in Philadelphia.

Sonja and her husband, Frank Mowery, are the owners of the conservation studio in Venice, Florida, Mowery Book and Paper Conservation. The studio provides a wide range of conservation services including the conservation of rare books, manuscripts, archival documents, maps, works of art on paper, and paintings.

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