It’s that busy time of year again - joyous, festive, exciting - but oh, so busy! I do have to say though, this is the first Holiday Season in YEARS, that I have gotten most of my Christmas decorations up by December 1st. This is HUGE for me as I am a chronic procrastinator. Most years I am decorating only a few days before Christmas. I’m so excited that I will actually be able to enjoy my decorated home for the entire month!

We spend so much time during the Holidays “prepping” that it truly can be a fine line between joyous and stressful! Between decorating, shopping for gifts, attending extra social functions, entertaining guests in our own home, baking Holiday treats, remembering special family traditions, etc. – it can all get very overwhelming!

Maybe we need to take a deep breath and tell ourselves that it’s OKAY.

  • It’s OKAY if we bake only our favorite pie and buy the others from the local bakery.
  • It’s OKAY if we have just that one special couple over for dinner during the Holidays and arrange to meet other friends at a local restaurant.
  • It’s OKAY if we choose only one Christmas play to see instead of the usual three. After all, the storyline for The Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol and The Singing Christmas Tree doesn’t change much from year-to-year!
  • It’s OKAY if we scale back on our decorating – do we really need to decorate the outside of our house to rival the Griswold’s now that our kids are in their thirties?? Pass the light strings to them and let them go hog wild for THEIR kids!!

The point here, as I hope you can see, is to review our usual Holiday “traditions” and see where we can scale back so that we can TRULY enjoy the Holidays and not just go through the motions. I cannot tell you how many times I hear people say in January how glad they are that the Holidays are OVER. I’d much rather hear them say how much they enjoyed them. Wouldn’t you like to be one of those who enjoy the Holidays instead of waiting for them to end?? I know I would!

Wishing you and yours a Very Happy – and stress-free - Holiday Season!

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