St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th and whether you spend the evening drinking green beer with friends, or you only don some green clothing for the day, we all tend to feel a little “Irish” on this day, even if we’re not of Irish descent. In the last few months, my immediate family members completed the DNA test offered through I felt confident that my results would come back with German, Polish, Russian and Danish – and it did. However, I also discovered that I am 12% Ireland/Scotland/Wales! This was something I was completely unaware of as it was never mentioned to us kids growing up.

Since taking the DNA test, I have paid for a year’s membership on Previously this was not something that I had much interest in; however, I have been contacted now by a couple of individuals who I have DNA in common with and I am finding it quite fascinating to learn how we are connected.

I am also able to view some documents online that others have taken the time to research and post; for example, the census from the late 1800s that show my great-grandparents and their children. And there are photos too that I have never seen before that others have shared. It’s amazing the information that is available!

My youngest daughter had always been told by her birth father’s family that she had Cherokee Indian in her blood. Her DNA test proved that wrong, much to her dismay. She has zero American Indian DNA. While she was quite disappointed to learn this, she is glad to know the truth as she had been telling people she was part Cherokee, believing what her family had told her.

For anyone who has considered learning more about their ancestors or wanting to know for sure what their heritage really is, I urge you to check out the DNA tests offered through They frequently go on sale. And now I know that this St. Patrick’s Day I can proudly wear green and a “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” button too!

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