January is typically the time of year that many set their “New Year’s Resolutions”. But, it’s also the time of year that many break those resolutions – January 17th is even designated as “Ditch Your Resolutions Day” because by this date, most people have already failed. It’s estimated that 88% of people who make resolutions fail at them. For that reason, many people don’t even bother anymore; why set yourself up for failure? I agree. It’s terrible odds. I hate the word “resolutions”. But, I do think New Year’s is a great time to take a personal “inventory” and set “goals”.
Instead of setting “resolutions”, set aside some time during the month of January to reflect on the past year. What went right? What went wrong? What could you have done differently? Obviously, we cannot change the past, but we can – and should – learn from it. And, we can set “goals” for ourselves for the coming year with a clear plan of how we will achieve those goals. For example, many people include becoming more organized as a goal. Maybe you’ve been wanting to clean out your garage once and for all. How do you plan to do it? Breaking down large projects into smaller ones can often make them less intimidating. How about every Saturday morning spending just 15 minutes sorting items in the garage? Before you know it, the garage will be clean again and you will never have felt overwhelmed by the task.
Giving back to your community is also a great goal to have and I have the perfect plan for how you can achieve that one! If you’re not already a member of Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice – join us! We have a couple of upcoming fundraisers that not only promise to be a lot of fun, but that will support our scholarship program for women returning to school. To join BPW/EV, please visit our website at www.bpwev.org.
I hope to see you soon and in the meantime, I wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
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