April is an important meeting for BPW Englewood & Venice, because it is the meeting in which we install our new officer for the new fiscal year. I hope you will attend our meeting to show your support to our new officers. It has been my pleasure serving as your president the past year and I excited to hand the reigns over to Sue Hogrefe who I know will do a wonderful job.

Did you know that April 7, 1987 was the Opening of the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC, the first museum devoted to women artists.

The truth is that women have never been treated equally in the art world, and today they remain dramatically underrepresented and undervalued in museums, galleries, and auction houses. Counting and quantifying won’t solve discrimination, but statistics are useful for understanding the scope of the problem. As NMWA Director Susan Fisher Sterling says, “People in the art world want to think we are achieving parity more quickly than we are.”

Visit https://nmwa.org/support/advocacy/get-facts/ to learn more about the challenges facing women in the arts even today.


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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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