Welcome to the New Year. I hope 2024 will be a great year for each of you personally and for BPW Englewood and Venice. The way to be sure we have a successful year is to participate. Very soon, it will be time to form a nominating committee to present a slate of officers and committee chairs for a vote in March with installation of officers in April. I am asking each of you to think very seriously about how you can help. Will you consider being an officer? Will you chair a committee? Serve on a committee? There is always something for everyone to participate in and we need everyone to be a part of what makes BPW so great. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the January meeting due to another commitment, but I ask you to let Sue, Debbie or Teresa know your willingness to serve on the nominating committee or let them know if you’d like to be considered for an officer position.
We are planning a social event to take place in January at Rumours Wine Bar. We’ll send along more information as soon as plans are finalized.
I wish you joy and peace in the New Year.
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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